Support Me – Interlucid

Support Me

I love being a musician because I get to create art that makes people happy. If my music impacted you in a good way, I appreciate any and all donations to the cause, no matter how large or small.

I was laid off from my full time job in October 2023 and I've been working on music full time ever since. Donations from people like you are some of the best ways to make it possible for me to do this indefinitely.

Become a supporter on Ko-fi

Ko-fi page screenshot

Ko-fi is a platform that helps fans support creators they love (like me). You can be my patron, just like The Earl of Pembroke was for Shakespeare. Pledge as little as $1 a month (or more if you like) to show your support and have access to the following, depending on the tier you pick:

  • Be the absolute first to hear new music (including WIPs for VIPs)
  • Exclusive Minecraft server
  • Downloads of any songs I've ever made
  • Monthly video chats with me
  • Exclusive Discord server channels
  • Warm fuzzy feelings

You can also make one-time donations if you prefer.


One time donations

You can also make one time donations using one of my virtual tip jars:

Cash App Venmo PayPal